Team Match Edu

Team Reports

Improve collaboration skills

Teamwork does not happen by itself. Effective teams know how to organise themselves, they are effective at managing conflict and ensure that each team member is responsible and accountable.
Effective teamwork requires skills in time-management, planning and goal setting, decision making, communication skills, as well as the ability to analyse and evaluate the team's performance.
In short: Good teamwork requires skills and understanding of team processes that can be build up. Team Reports are a proven and effective method to achieve this.

  • Team-Match increases understanding at a personal level of how to work effectively as part of a team
  • Team-Match increases understanding at team-level on what constitutes effective teamwork and provides advice and insight to practically improve working together.

  • Everything you always wanted to know about your team
  • Identify team strengths and gaps
  • Practical communication advice
  • Build trust and speed-up working together
  • How well do you really work together?